Sports and FitnessOrthopaedics
Reviewed By John P. Sheehan, M.D.
I know you've been waiting for this day to have your cast removed. It's really exciting but I know you may be nervous having the cast removed with a saw. I'm here to show you how the cast saw works and also tell you a few other things about cast removal.
Your cast is removed with a special saw. It’s loud but don’t let that scare you. This saw has a special blade that won't cut you. The blade moves from side to side. It's vibrations break the cast apart, so there's nothing to hurt your skin. Most of the time, the exam room is full of laughter because the saw’s vibrations can tickle you as the cast is being removed.
After we are finished with the saw, we use special scissors to cut the cast padding. Hold as still as you can and the cast will be off in no time! It’s that easy!
We will provide you with information on caring for your limb after the cast is removed.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
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Sports and FitnessIllness and Injury Orthopaedics
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