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How To Insert an Earmold and a Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aid

​​Watch an audiologist describe t​he steps to insert an earm​old into the ear and how to put on a behind-the-ear hearing aid. It is important to follow these steps to avoid damaging the hearing aid or the earmold.

How to Insert Hearing Aid E​armolds

There are two parts to the hearing aid - the part that goes behind the ear and the earmold that goes in the ear.

  • Step 1: Hold the hearing aid by the bottom of the earmold
  • Step 2: Pull gently back and up on the outer ear
  • Step 3: Twist the earmold forward slightly and place it in the ear canal
  • Step 4: Push the earmold in and rotate it backwards as you push it all the way into the ear
Hearing Aids Hearing and Balance