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MJ’s Story – Spinal Muscular Atrophy

​​​​​MJ Hoodjer is spunky, vocal and a good sleeper for his parents, John and Amanda. While enjoying life as a new family of four, the Hoodjers received a life-changing phone call following his newborn screening.

“MJ was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy, a disease that tends to affect the cells that are in charge of strength and movement in general," said Boys Town Pediatric Neurologist Matias Lopez Chacon, M.D. “Over time, these patients will become very weak. It's a very severe, debilitating disease."

“We had no idea what it was," said John, MJ's father. “It was pretty terrifying. We just started googling it, finding out what it was and what it meant."

Their search led them to the Boys Town Pediatric Muscle and Weakness Clinic, led by Dr. Lopez Chacon.

Thankfully, MJ wasn't yet exhibiting any symptoms, but Dr. Lopez Chacon knew it was crucial to start gene therapy infusions right away at Boys Town National Research Hospital. MJ's long-term prognosis, so far, is excellent.

“I expect MJ to ​do great things," said Dr. Lopez Chacon. Learn more about MJ's story below!​​


Patient Story Pediatric Neurology