Skip Navigation LinksMyBoysTown Patient Portal For Patients

MyBoysTown Patient Portal

​​​​Managing your healthcare quicker, easier and when it's convenient for you.

MyBoysTown is a new and improved patient portal experience – connecting your medical, hospital and behavioral health care across all Boys Town services into one record.

With MyBoysTown, you can message your provider, request appointments, review lab results, review and request prescription refills, download school and sports physicals, get health and appointment reminders, review and pay bills and more. 

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MyBoysTown icons 

Sign Up for MyBoysTown Today!

  • Visit​.
  • Click the “Register Now" button.
  • Complete the registration form and create your username and password.
  • Provide further verification such as your billing number from your Boys Town statement or insurance number located on your insurance card.
  • If we can verify your information, you will receive an email to verify we have your correct email address.
  • Click the link provided to complete your registration process.

Need help? Call us M-F, 8am-5pm at 531-355-1234 for assistance.

Stay Connected with the MyChart App

Download the MyChart app to access all of your MyBoysTown cont​ent on your phone. In the app, select “Omaha" and choose “MyBoysTown."

apple storeGoogle Play store 

Frequently Asked Questions

My health information in MyChart is not correct. What should I do?

The information in MyChart comes directly from your healthcare providers. Ask your doctor to correct any inaccurate information at your next clinic visit. You may also contact the medical records department at your healthcare organization to request a correction to your chart.

Can I view a family member's health record in MyChart?

Parents and guardians can request proxy access to a patient's MyChart account by contacting the patient's primary care provider.

Is MyChart secure?

Your healthcare providers take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure. Access to information is controlled through secure activation codes, personal usernames, and passwords. Unlike conventional email, all MyChart messaging is done while you are securely logged in to MyChart.