Behavioral Health

Girl smiling at counselor

​​​​​​​​​Boys Town​ and Boys Town Hospital offer a wide range of services for children who are experiencing behavioral, emotional, academic or substance use concerns.

If you are a parent, physician, ​edu​cator or mental health care provider who is ​concerned about the behavior of a child in your care, we can help. Our ment​al​ health practitioners, psychiatrists and physicians work closely with families, schools and other referrers to provide the best care for children and adolescents.

Boys Town Behavioral Health Serv​ices

  • Developmental-behavioral pediatrics
  • Counseling and therapy
  • Severe behavioral and mental health problems
  • Drug and alcohol education, treatment and prevention
  • Tutoring and academic skills training
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry
  • Residential treatment

Comprehensive Care

​Not su​re what behavioral health service you need? We can help.

Already a patient at the Beh​​avioral Health Cl​inic? Please call (531) 355-3358 for assistanc​e.


We are offering virtual visits to continue to support you using our telehealth system.

Contact Us
(531) 355-1234

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