Pediatric Hearing Clinic

​​​​​​​Boys Town National Research Hospital​ is known world-wide as a leader in hearing research and pediatric audiology clinical care. We provide a comprehensive approach to hearing healthcare to surround your child and family with medical, clinical and educational services and family support. Our pediatric audiology clinic offers a full range of clinical and support services for families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

From the moment you walk through the door, we want you to take comfort knowing your chi​ld will receive the best hearing healthcare.

Make an Appointment at the Pediatric Hearing Clinic

  • (531) 355-6520 - If you would like to schedule a hearing exam​​ for your child​​
  • (531) 355-6612 - To schedule with an otologist after your child has confirmed hearing loss​​

Interdisciplinary Evaluation

Your child's next step is an interdisciplinary evaluation to identify the type and degree of hearing loss and any medical, physical or developmental conditions that may be related to your child's hearing health. A genetic screening is included to help understand underlying factors contributing to the hearing condition. Each evaluation is tailored to meet your child's unique needs, so some or all of the specialties may be included.

Resources for Parents

Early Intervention and Preschool Programs

Family-centered in-home and preschool programs provide a range of individualized services, including helping children adapt to wearing hearing technology, coaching parents to develop children's listening and spoken language skills, learning sign language, and providing ongoing deve​lopmental assessments. Specialists advise families about educational options and are available to consult with childcare professionals about how to meet children's needs while in day care. These programs are provided by Boys Town Hospital through contracts with local school districts.

Counseling Services

Child and family counseling services can help address concerns such as acceptance of being deaf or hard of hearing, social-emotional challenges and communication difficulties. This program is provided by Boys Town National Research Hospital in collaboration with a local educational service unit.

Genetic Counseling

Many forms of childhood hearing loss have a genetic component.  Families may want to meet with a Genetic Counselor to sort out whether the hearing loss is inherited.  The ability of genetic testing to identify a specific diagnosis is expanding allowing specialists to answer questions such as who else in the family may develop hearing loss.

Family Support

Parent and professional workshops and family weekend retreats are available for you to network, grow and learn with other families who have children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Developmental Assessments

Comprehensive multidisciplinary assessments specially designed to monitor children's development during infancy, early childhood, elementary and adolescent years are available to help families establish short and long-term priorities and educational goals for their children.

This comprehensive website offers helpful parenting information and tips from Universal Newborn Hearing Screening to helping your child prepare for school and everything in between. Find information on hearing conditions, hearing devices, language and learning, and get tips from other parents who have children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Pediatric Hearing Clinic services are available at the following locations:

Contact Us
(531) 355-1234

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