Cochlear Implant Activation
Initial activation day is the day when the audiologist turns on and programs the settings for the cochlear implant, allowing the recipient to hear sound through the device for the first time. The cochlear implant activation day is much anticipated for our cochlear implant recipients, their family, and friends. Activation of the device typically is done one to two weeks after surgery.
Cochlear Implant Programming
Each program is created specifically for the individual to ensure that soft sounds are audible, and that loud sounds are loud but never uncomfortable. Once a program has been created, the processor microphone is activated so that the recipient will hear speech and other sounds through the implant for the first time. The audiologists will adjust the settings to enhance the quality of the sound derived from the cochlear implant. Seven to eight appointments are required during the first year following initial activation in order to make the sound quality optimal. A recipient will need to be seen on a semi-annual to annual basis following the first year of device use.
Video Streaming During Activation
To help make this day even more special, Boys Town National Research Hospital can provide cochlear implant activation web casting at the family’s request. Family, friends, educators, and other care providers who are not able to attend the programming session may view the activation through a secure web site. Families who are interested in this option can contact their cochlear implant patient coordinator two weeks before the initial activation appointment.
Terri Wolf, Cochlear Implant Patient Coordinator
(531) 355-5698